1. When will the University Sports’ program be ready for online-booking
Prospectively May and Mid-October.
2. Do I have to book the registration fee (“Grundgebühr”) as an enrolled student of the Universität zu Lübeck, Technische Hochschule Lübeck (THL) and Musikhochschule Lübeck (MHL)?
No, you don’t.
3. Can external persons participate in the University Sports’ program (“Hochschulsport”)?
As a matter of principle, the University Sports’ program is reserved to students and members of the Lübecker Hochschulen. In a few exceptional cases, such as some dancing courses, an exception may be granted. One week after online-booking begins, external candidates will be given the opportunity to book some courses.
4. Who has to book the registration fee (“Grundgebühr”) and how much is it?
Non-booking by:
Enrolled students of the Universität zu Lübeck (Uni), Technische Hochschule Lübeck (THL) and Musikhochschule Lübeck (MHL) do not have to book the registration fee.
Booking by:
a. Enrolled students of the Hochschule des Bundes => 10,- EUR
b. Employees of the Uni, THL, MHL und the Hochschule des Bundes => 20,- EUR
c. External enrolled students => 30,- EUR (written proof of students Status required)
d. Members of the funding association of the Lübecker Hochschulen => 20,- EUR
e. Other participants
(1) Guests => 60,- EUR
(2) Apprentices, pupils => 30,- EUR
5. What about the „Hochschulsportausweis“? Where do I get it?
You will find this identity card („Hochschulausweis“) for taking part in the University Sports’ program (“Hochschulsport”) (mentioned below) on your confirmation of booking. After successful booking it will be sent to you automatically. It must be presented to the course instructor on demand.
6. May I transmit the registration fee (“Grundgebühr”) or the course fee (“Kursgebühr”)?
No, you may not. Payment will be made by direct debit.
7. What if the course is booked up – what can I do?
Courses with costs: You may add your name to the waiting list („Warteliste“). All interested persons will receive an e-mail at the same time, if additional participants will be allowed. Registrations will be made as per the principle „first come, first served“.
Courses without costs: You may add your name to the waiting list („Warteliste“), too. Additionally, if you arrive on the day and there are still spaces available, you may, with the course instructor’s permission, be able to take part without booking. However, visitors must bring the appropriate equipment (i. e.: rackets) and wear the appropriate clothing: sports clothes, clean and non-marking sports shoes.
8. What if my university schedule changes. May I change the reservation?
Subject to certain conditions a rebooking may be possible. Please contact us e.g. by e-mail, we will help you.
9. After beginning on the University Sports’ program may I cancel my booking?
No, you may not. Subject to certain conditions a change of reservation may be possible. Please send us your inquiry via e-mail.
10. May I transfer my booking to a friend of mine?
No, you may not. On legal grounds that is not possible. We are sorry.
11. Do I receive a certification by the University Sports’ office for the health insurance bonus?
No, that is not. Declared by the Terms and conditions it is formally excluded.